Breastfeeding Questions Archive

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Breastfeeding in higher altitudes. Not rated yet
Hi Liz,

I took your wonderful Breastfeeding class at NorthHills Hospital in August. I have been successfully breastfeeding my 8 week old baby girl, …

Breastfed baby now sleeping longer  
I am a working mother with good breast-milk production and have been breastfeeding regularly in evenings/nights/mornings. During the day I pump quite …

Fasting and nursing Not rated yet
I have a nine month old that refuses to eat solids so therefore I'm pretty much still nursing exclusively! I concerned about fasting (no liquids or solids) …

3 month old cutting down feeding time Not rated yet
My daughter has just turned three months old and started teething a few weeks ago. She doesn't seems to want to feed very long like she used to. She …

Want to breastfeed this time Not rated yet
Hi Liz,

I have recently found out I am pregnant with my fourth child. I tried BFing all three of my previous babies. With the last two, the babies didn't …

throwing up after feeding breastmilk Not rated yet
I do both formula and breatmilk to my 2 week old baby. Formula during day and breastmilk during night but for some reason tonight she threw up right after …

Pumping and Dumping for a month while on Klonopin Not rated yet
My baby is one week old. At 5 days old severe post partum anxiety suddenly started (had it with my son three years ago). It was completely unbearable and …

Separation from Breastfed baby Not rated yet
I have a 8 month old baby boy. I'm only breastfeeding and he is eating solid food. His grandma wants to take him to Puerto Rico Starting (7-5-11) for 3 …

Only want to breast feed at night time Not rated yet
Hello, My name is Jennifer and I am expecting soon. I would like to know how to successfully breastfeed only at night time feed before I put him down for …

Relactation after 2 months off Not rated yet
Hello! I am hoping you can give me some advice regarding my situation. I am in need of some help with relactation, if it is even possible at this point. …

I ate spicy foods Not rated yet
Hi, I had some spicy foods yesterday and every since then my 5 week old baby has been crying in pain. He gets stiff as a board, sweats, claws at me, etc. …

Alcohol/breastfeeding Not rated yet
My son is 11months and I'm in the process of weaning him from breastfeeding. He eats once in the morning and once in the evening. I want to go out, how …

11 month old down to two feedings? 
My son is 11 months old and is still breastfeeding. I am in nursing school full time and am pumping on my breaks. I would like to start weaning him down …

reverse cycling Not rated yet
HI Liz,

My daughter started reverse cycling at 3 months when I went back to work four days a week. She is now 8 months old and still up every 2 hours …

Baby is breastfeeding less Not rated yet
I am very grateful I have been able to breastfeed my baby without too much trouble but lately she will only eat on one breast during a feeding. She used …

breastfeeding after smoking Not rated yet
how long do I have to wait to go back to breastfeeding after smoking? Answer from the lactation consultant

If you are going to smoke cigarettes while …

Partial weaning Not rated yet
What would you recommend for weaning from a pump but wanting to continue nursing?

Answer from the lactation consultant

I am sorry, I do not understand …

Breastfeeding low weight gain? Not rated yet
My daughter is 15 weeks old today. She has a doctor's appointment at week from today, her 16 week/4month checkup.

Here are her weights so far:

Birth: …

Breastfeeding Help Not rated yet
My son is almost 5 months old and we are still having nursing issues, We were using a shield till about 4 months, and now he is off it but now he will …

Breastfeeding lying down 
My baby is nearly 5 months old and will only breasfeed properly if I'm lying in the side position on a bed. If I try to breastfeed in any other position …

Breastfeeding or Smoking Not rated yet
I know smoking while breastfeeding is bad but do I have to choose between smoking or breastfeeding. It is a hard habit to break. I always to outside to …

drying up after finishing breastfeeding Not rated yet
I am not producing enough milk for my twins anymore (they are 5 months) and am trying to "dry up" because we have to supplement so much with formula now …

Supplementing with lactogen milk formula Not rated yet
i am not producing enough milk for my 3 week old baby so i have to give him formula milk atleast twice a day. my baby poops immediately after having lactogen …

Milk fat Not rated yet
I am 7 weeks into relactaing. i produce about 25 oz per day and seems to be climbing each day. I am an exclusive pumper as baby wont latch. My question …

Breastfeeding Laws 
I have always been self-conscious of breastfeeding in public because of what others may say to me. Whenever I was out with my daughter during her breastfeeding …

Bottle feeding when I return to work Not rated yet

My daughter is 8 weeks old and I am returning to work next week. She is not happy taking a bottle of my breast milk and I wondered if you had …

Finding a Lactation Consultant Not rated yet
When looking for a lactation consultant, what should I be looking for and what questions should I be asking her? Is there a questionnaire that I can download …

How long before hormones return to "normal" after weaning? Not rated yet
I'm in the process of weaning my son (it's been 48 hours since his last night feed) and wonder how long it takes for my hormones to go back to the levels …

Refuses bottles Not rated yet
Hi Liz,

My baby is now 5 1/2 months old. Over the summer, my schedule has been such that I have not needed to use a bottle, as I am pretty much always …

Nursing Strike Not rated yet
I have a 8 month old daughter and we are entering Day 4 of a nursing strike. I have done everything and nothing is breaking it. She did bite me causing …

Breastfeeding and working Not rated yet

I am a first time mother and I am breastfeeding my little one. My baby is 3 months now and I will begin working soon. I want to continue breastfeeding …

Whether or not to supplement with formula Not rated yet
My son is 11 months old and I have been BF at home and pumping at work. For the last month, I have had supply issues off and on (he drinks more at daycare …

Breastfeeding a 10 month old Not rated yet
I have two concerns -

1. I want to make sure my baby is getting enough breastmilk since I understand that is the most important thing until one year. …

birth control and breastfeeding Not rated yet
Is it safe to take birth control while breastfeeding? Does this include emergency contraceptive or plan b?

Answer from the lactation consultant …

Still have milk 2 years after weaning? 

My name is Nichole I just turned 30 on April 9th. I have 4 children a 13 year old boy who I breast fed for 8 months with the formula suplement …

Overactive Letdown Not rated yet

I've given birth to a healthy boy 8 weeks ago. I've been struggling with breastfeeding a bit in the last two months because I have a overactive …

breastfeeding issues - 2.5 month old Not rated yet

I am the mother of a 2 and a half month old baby. Ever since I got pregnant I wanted to exclusively breastfeed my baby. However I was unaware of …

Back to Work: Feeding Routine Not rated yet
I would to know how to establish a feeding routine for my baby, as I have just gotten back to work today.

He is two months and a week old, and I have …

5 month old reverse cycling Not rated yet
My EBF 5 month old has recently gone from sleeping 5-6 hours at night to now waking and nursing every 3 hours at night. I've been back to work for 2 months …

Does breastfeeding have to be all or nothing? part 2 Not rated yet
You suggestion made a lot of sense. I started trying it and we somewhat have schedule now. I nurse at 2 am, bottle at 6am, then nurse 9-10 am, bottle around …

Lumpy breasts after weaning Not rated yet

I weaned my 18 month old about 6 days ago and I still have lumpy hard areas in my breasts. I don't want to develop an infection so I wanted to see …

Does breastfeeding have to be all or nothing? Not rated yet
My 3rd baby was born on october 1st and is my first boy. I started to breastfeed him right away. After 2 weeks I went to see a lactation specialist in …

Why does my expressed milk look watery sometimes and thick sometimes? Not rated yet
Why dose my milk sometimes looks watered down and other times thick?

Answer from Liz, RN, IBCLC

The milk in your breasts varies in the amount …

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Email me by using the contact me form or call me at 817-380-5929

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